Celebrating Success

The Academy rewards pupils in a variety of ways, be it for progress or effort, attendance and punctuality, extra-curricular activities or contribution to Academy events. 

Every department within the Academy has their own way of rewarding pupils. This allows classroom teachers to reward the pupils for various things, for example, showing sustained levels of high attainment and/or progress or consistently high grades for their Commitment to Learning (CtL). Stickers, postcards, letters of commendation, phone calls to parents and raffle tickets to win prizes are just some examples.

Alongside this, the Academy has a system of rewarding pupils at various points throughout the year that gives every pupil the opportunity to have their achievements celebrated in a public forum.  This may be through assemblies, a ‘rewards lunch’ with the Senior Leadership Team or Principal and an annual ‘Commendations Evening’. 

Celebrating Success outside of the Academy

The Academy celebrates success for activities and events that occur both inside and outside of school.

Parents and/or pupils can e-mail the Academy to inform us of any achievement outside of school.
Please e-mail achievements@eastwoodacademy.org.uk 
